UHCA News Submissions


UHCA News Guidelines for Submissions

UHCA News is the voice of our community. We are friendly, positive, honest, and locally-focused. We welcome articles and photographs relevant to University Heights and our surrounding communities and are happy to review neighbor-submitted articles and photos for potential inclusion in the paper. We’re particularly interested in articles that fall under the following categories:

  • UH history (from architecture, to business, to society, etc.)

  • Community projects

  • Public safety

  • Renter, landlord, and homeowner-focused topics

  • Reviews of businesses at which you’ve had a positive experience

  • Local education

  • Family-friendly (crafts, childcare, games, etc.)

  • Transportation (public transit, rideshare, scooters, cycling, etc.)

  • Environmental (nature, conservation, air pollution, pesticides, climate change, etc.)

  • Local, state, national politics and government when relevant to UH

  • Arts (music, painting, theatre, poetry, photography, design, etc.)

  • Opinion-based submissions will be entertained as a “letter to the editor” when they pertain to a particular story in a previous edition

Editorial Guidelines

The newspaper’s editorial team reserves the right to edit all submissions for length and content. We will add details, if required, and cut or change phrasing to adjust clarity, tone, or focus, and as needed to fill the allotted space in our issues and meet our readers’ needs. We appreciate and value articles that:

  • Employ succinct storytelling, with the main point in first paragraph

  • Inform readers with valuable details

  • Be fact-based (including citations to specific, recognized, credible sources)

  • Entertain readers with engaging stories

  • Identify your own stake in the issue, if relevant — we need to know whether you have a financial or political stake, and will include information regarding vested interests in the author byline

  • Avoid singling out individuals in the community for anything other than praise

  • Avoid derogatory, pejorative, and belligerent language / tone — while we welcome articles on controversial issues relevant to the neighborhood, we require a respectful approach


Engaging images are very welcome! They tell stories, in and of themselves, and they’re useful for illustrating the points you’re making in an article or for enticing readers to read your article. Photograph files should be at least 1MB in size, with a minimum of 300 dots per inch (DPI).

Include text in the email explaining who is in the photo, what the photo is about, and the photographer's name, if known. The file names should include some of that information, when more than one file is sent, to distinguish them.

Submission Process

Articles should not exceed 350 words, and be submitted as a Microsoft Word document file.

The deadline for submission is the 1st of the month for potential inclusion in the following month’s edition.

All items should be emailed to news@uhsd.org .

Submission is not a guarantee of publication.