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UHCA Business Membership



Click to download our Business Membership brochure to learn more!

UHCA organizes events that bring people together, publishes a paper to keep them informed, and hosts monthly meetings that serve as a forum for learning and discussion. We encourage participation in public life, and our strong, active membership empowers our community and amplifies its voice. Business membership benefits include:

• Discounts on advertising in UH News 

• Business membership directory listing keeps your business connected with UH residents 

• Featured article in UH News

• Business spotlight article in UH News

• Social media sharing of your content throughout the year via our highly engaged social media (Facebook, Instagram)

• 1 blog article on our website

• First opportunity to sponsor UHCA events

• Show your commitment to UH by helping to sustain these important community programs:

- Beautification (trash angels, community cleanups, lights on Vermont St. Bridge)

- Zone Watch and connections with community police

- Events (Movies in the Park, Party on Park, mixers, Caroling in the Heights, Lights in the Heights)

- Connection to our elected officials and a stronger voice for our community

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