There are so many opportunities to get involved in the community. From neighborhood cleanups to communications, we are confident there is something for everyone.
There are so many opportunities to get involved in the community. From neighborhood cleanups to communications, we are confident there is something for everyone.
Why Volunteer?
Connect with your community.
Open doors for new friendships.
Learn a new skill.
Keep our neighborhood beautiful.
There are many opportunities to get involved in our community. From cleanups to caroling to communications, we are confident there is something for everyone.
Check out our committees below and let us know what appeals to you!
Whether you’re a business leader who knows everybody in UH or just love to sell, help us generate ideas and develop programs that support our local businesses. Advertising in UHCA News pays the bills. The website should also. Help us come up with other ways to create value for our businesses, then help us spread the word.
The Beautification team is exceptionally well organized and effective, yet there is always much more to do. We need volunteers to keep UH clean of trash, remove graffiti, and water trees. But we also need people who can manage cleanups, twist arms to get things done at the city, and come up with entirely new ways to make our community better.
Do you like to walk? If you missed delivering papers as a kid, it’s not too late to enjoy the satisfaction of being in charge of your own paper route. Ten months a year over 60 block walkers deliver UHCA News to nearly 5,000 households. Whether you want a dedicated route or just want to fill in, we can always use more blockwalkers!
We can always use good communicators with social media skills and techies who can manage our website and content. Writing skills, good judgment, and knowledge of Facebook, Instagram, Squarespace and similar platforms and technologies is what we are looking for.
Whether you’ve always wanted to be (or already are) an urban planner, or just like to keep up with what’s happening to the built environment in your neighborhood, there are plenty of opportunities to learn and make a difference. If you like research and don’t mind long meetings, we need you!
Help us plan and execute great events like Party on Park, Movies in the Park, and our Tag Sale. Whether you are an energetic, detail-oriented event planner or just want to help with setup and booth duty, let us know. It’s a great way to get out and make new friends.
Membership pays the bills and gives us clout. If you’re one of those people who knows everyone on your street and loves to talk about UH, help us grow our membership. Marketing skills or interest would also be a great help.
Whether you have a background in retail or just love keeping things organized, we should talk. UHCA is fortunate to offer great merchandise, from hoodies to mugs, that creates a strong neighborhood brand. Help us keep it in stock, transport it to events, and sell it with enthusiasm.
Represent UH at meetings with neighborhood businesses and social groups to discuss and share ideas for keeping UH safe. Bring neighbors together in your Zone to keep an eye on things. Our Zone Watch program was one of the first of its kind and has been highly effective for decades.
The Program Committee arranges for speakers at our monthly meetings. Help us reach out to movers and shakers or just plain interesting people that our membership might want to hear from. Or, just help us set up chairs and the audio/video system. Maybe even help us record and post our meetings online!
Our community newspaper is read and respected by thousands every month. It’s also a lot of work! If you have writing or copy-editing skills, are an experienced photographer, have a background in publishing, or are good at managing projects and meeting deadlines, let’s talk.
Do you know products like Google G Suite,, Constant Contact, Squarespace or even ESRI ArcGIS? If you do (or want to learn), you can help us leverage technology to deliver more value to our community.