Join us in Old Trolley Barn Park on Saturday, April 19th from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM with your bike (kids bikes also welcome!) to get some assistance with patches, changing tubes/tires, cleaning off rust from chains, troubleshooting brake issues, and the like. Swing by anytime during the clinic hours to receive assistance with your bike, plus visit with some local bike organizations who will be giving away cycling related freebies, including:
- San Diego Bicycle Collective - providing free tune-ups
- WD40 – providing a lubrication station
- Coffee Cycle – free coffee for attendees
- SANDAG – safety information and cycling maps
- San Diego County Bicycle Coalition - bike rodeo for kids
- UHCA – selling Bike University Heights t-shirts to show off your local neighborhood pride
At the close of the tune-up clinic, UHCA + San Diego Bicycle Collective will be leading an easy group ride around University Heights area for anyone interested in testing out their newly fixed up bikes and/or just cycling around town with new cycling friends. Join us at 1:00 PM for the group ride, leaving from Old Trolley Barn Park.
If you are in the market for an used bike, we encourage you to stop by the clinic to chat with the folks from San Diego Bicycle Collective. They fix up used bikes and resell them at very reasonable prices at their Sunday clinic. They will also be raffling of several free bikes during the clinic so be sure to stop by!