Light Up Your Heights!

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While Lights in the Heights may not (yet) hold a candle to the crowds attracted by our Halloween night tradition, it has become an equally enduring and loved tradition for residents of University Heights. 

With so many neighbors making such a brilliant display of their creativity and community spirit by lighting up and decorating their homes and streets for the holidays, UHCA felt that we might be forgiven, for one year at least, if we did not make a competition out of it. However, if the spirit of competition burns brightly nevertheless, UHCA has decided to provide a way to show the rest of San Diego the value of grass roots community spirit by creating a photo gallery on its website for all the world to see, for time immemorial (or something close to it).

So, send us photos of your house or that of the neighbors on your street in all their brilliant holiday glory.  UHCA will post them on its website so you can easily share them with all your envious San Diego neighbors or out of town friends and family, some of whom may find it hard to believe that such neighborhood spirit can thrive in one of America’s the largest cities.

Include your street name or house address if you chose to and send your photos as email attachments (or by sharing a link where they can be downloaded) to  UHCA will not share your email or your link, but we will add as many pictures as we can to the gallery on our website.

Coast Creative