2024 Lights in the Heights - Winners!
University Heights neighbors didn’t disappoint this year, decorating their homes and lighting up the neighborhood, bringing holiday season cheer to our entire community. Thank you to everyone who put in the effort to help make UH a little brighter!
This year, we used an open crowd-sourced model - nominations were accepted through December 14, and voting kicked off on December 15 with our 3rd annual Lights in the Heights Bike Ride. The winners and runners up were:
Best All-Around -
The most amazingly decorated home that stands out from the rest
Business -
The business that goes above and beyond to show holiday spirit
Clark Griswold -
The house that you can see from space, the embodiment of "the more the merrier"
Traditional -
The "Martha Stewart" award for every element just right
Honorable Mentions
The Best Block award goes to the folks on New York Street went above and beyond once again, with nearly every home lit up - and sporting Edie Jacobsen’s famous holiday-themed ostrich signs!
Another honorable mention goes out to the Louisanna Street block who once again worked collectively to shine a bright light in the eastern part of UH!
And finally, the last honorable mention goes to 1018 Hayes whose huskies offered neighborhood pups a special holiday treat with goodies.
Participating homes & businesses
The voting results in detail
Votes were tabulated at www.uhsd.org/lights using Google Forms. If votes were received from the same email address multiple times, only the first entry was counted. A total of 173 valid votes were cast: