Thank You for your patience!!
Thank you Neighbors! It was stiff competition this year! All the homes, businesses, condo/apt buildings with holiday lights brought so much merriment to end this hard year with love & joy! We thank all of you for SHINING bright this year!
Best Themed Award - 4144 Vermont The Gremlin House. This award is for the house that selected a theme for their holiday lights decoration and went all the way!
Best Santa Award - 4429 Campus. This award is for the house with the best Santa display.
Best All-Around Award - 1211 Maryland Place. This house is for just by far, the most amazingly decorated home that stands out from the rest.
The "TRADITIONAL" Award - 4774 Panorama. This house is for the “like Martha Stewart': with every bulb and decoration just so perfect”.
The "CLARK GRISWOLD" - 818 Madison Ave award is for the house that felt “the more lights and decorations the merrier” .
Best Home/building Per Zone as follows:
Zone 1: 1036 Madison
Zone 2: 4365-63 New Jersey
Zone 3: 1211 Maryland Place
Zone 4: 1880 Mission Cliff
Zone 5: 1917 Madison
Zone 6: 1915 Polk
While we didn't originally have an award for Best Block - we think we should give this to Madison Villas. They did an AMAZING job at decorating their entire area.
Please check out our Facebook and Instagram channels for Winners being announced!