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Winners Announced! Lights In The Heights Contest 2020

Thank You for your patience!!


Thank you Neighbors! It was stiff competition this year! All the homes, businesses, condo/apt buildings with holiday lights brought so much merriment to end this hard year with love & joy! We thank all of you for SHINING bright this year!

Best Themed Award - 4144 Vermont The Gremlin House. This award is for the house that selected a theme for their holiday lights decoration and went all the way!

Best Santa Award - 4429 Campus. This award is for the house with the best Santa display.

Best All-Around Award - 1211 Maryland Place. This house is for just by far, the most amazingly decorated home that stands out from the rest.

The "TRADITIONAL" Award - 4774 Panorama. This house is for the “like Martha Stewart': with every bulb and decoration just so perfect”.

The "CLARK GRISWOLD" - 818 Madison Ave award is for the house that felt “the more lights and decorations the merrier” .

Best Home/building Per Zone as follows:

Zone 1: 1036 Madison

Zone 2: 4365-63 New Jersey

Zone 3: 1211 Maryland Place

Zone 4: 1880 Mission Cliff

Zone 5: 1917 Madison

Zone 6: 1915 Polk

While we didn't originally have an award for Best Block - we think we should give this to Madison Villas. They did an AMAZING job at decorating their entire area.

Please check out our Facebook and Instagram channels for Winners being announced!

Earlier Event: December 3
UHCA Meeting - Dec. 3rd, 7pm, Via Zoom
Later Event: February 4
UHCA Meeting - February 4, 2021, 7PM