Hello, Hola, Hey!!!

The Neighborhood Kindness Challenge

This article first appeared in the April 2021 UHCA News and was submitted by UH resident Mir the Friendly Neighbor

The excitement is intensifying each day we get closer to removing restrictions on living, socializing, and reintegrating back into society. A new way of living is unveiling each month, with some traditional standards proving timeless.

One of those traditional standards is greeting a fellow neighbor. While completing your daily walk of the dog, jog, or personal errand, embrace these moments to show your enthusiasm for social connection by saying, “Hi, Hola, or Hey!” A simple head nod with smiling eyes will suffice. These simple gestures of greeting and acknowledgment are powerful tools in decreasing feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as building an increased sense of neighborhood unity. 

Scientists distributed an online survey from April 22 – May 11, 2020 to measure the impacts of COVID-19, and found 1,008 participants, ages 18 – 35, had significant increases in loneliness, alcohol intake, depression, and anxiety. The study results indicated that 49% of the participants scored above 50 on the UCLA loneliness scale.

These findings have launched a kindness campaign sponsored by the Nextdoor app, to improve neighborhood connections of live social interactions, while observing COVID-19 safety precautions. The #KINDchallenge is urging neighbors to connect with 6 neighbors within your community.

In times of COVID-19, there may be some hurdles to introducing yourself to new people. The good news is a Nextdoor poll revealed San Diegans are ahead of the curve by 48%, compared to the national average of 42% of people knowing 6 or more neighbors.

We can do this University Heights! Let’s join these efforts to reduce loneliness amongst neighbors we encounter daily along our way. The next time you embark on your steps around our neighborhood - remember to look up, and say a friendly, “Hello!” Visit the #KINDchallenge to learn more at https://go.nextdoor.com/kind-challenge-us.


References & links:

Full article: Loneliness, Mental Health, and Substance Use among US Young Adults during COVID-19 (tandfonline.com)

COVID-19 has produced ‘alarming’ increase in loneliness (medicalnewstoday.com)

Take the #KINDChallenge with Nextdoor

How many of your neighbors do you know by name?

How Americans’ COVID-19 experiences differ by age | Pew Research Center

Love thy neighbor, improve your mental health, says BYU study

Power of Hello

Study shows smiling could help mental health for others | 620 CKRM The Source | Country Music, News, Sports in Saskatchewan

Why You Should Put Down Your Phone And Say Hello To A Stranger : Shots - Health News : NPR

Smartphones reduce smiles between strangers - ScienceDirect

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